My Vampire System

Chapter 2142 The Power Of Time (Part 1)

\'Hey hey hey, this person is big trouble, whatever you do don\'t let go of me. You\'re going to have to fight using my powers and not your own.\' The black sword said, sending a message directly into Layla\'s mind.

Wince, Minny, Layla and Galen were all on the ice close to each other. None of them had acted just yet, as they saw the figure walking toward them. They were unsure what it was, or why it was there, yet they all had this tingling sensation running through their body, and the sword\'s message just made Layla even more sure that they shouldn\'t act rashly.

Maybe it was the multiple dark eyes, or the way the strange ears on the figure looked like horns curling inwards, or just the whole aura surrounding the person, there was such confidence and not a hint of fear in them.

Even when fighting against Yongbu, with Layla\'s ability she could see the emotions that would pour out of him, fear, anger, worriness, pain, but with Mundus, there was nothing. There was no fog over his head.

Finally, Mundus stopped where he was, and Yongbu stood back, not getting close to the situation.

"I am staying at a distance as I do not wish to alarm you." Mundus was scanning the ground and somewhat shook his head. "I didn\'t realise that he had passed on his celestial energy to so many followers.

"Although what he does or has done is none of my business, right now all I want to know is where Quinn is, and how he managed to escape."

Layla still wasn\'t so sure why these people were after Quinn, and for now she would try her best to calm the situation down.

"Quinn isn\'t here!" Layla shouted. "We don\'t know where he went, he took a ship and left."

Mundus seemed to be taking in the information, thinking about what to do, or trying to figure out whether they were lying or not. Meanwhile Layla wanted some answers, because the sword she wielded seemed to know.

\'Tell me, who is this person, why would they be after Quinn, and why should we be so worried?\' Layla asked.

\'You know I don\'t have the best memories ever since I was put in this thing!\' The sword angrily replied. \'But… There are some memories that stick or come back as soon as a feeling comes back.

\'This person is one of the most powerful people I have ever met, and trust me when I say this I have met some powerful people… I think. His power… it\'s to do with time, just as long as you hold onto me, it won\'t affect you, and if you can, do whatever you can to not get in a fight with this person.\'

The power of time, Layla didn\'t quite understand what that meant, and she would have loved to ask more questions, but it looked like she wasn\'t able to.

"Okay, I believe you." Mundus said. "The matter though is quite an urgent one regarding Quinn. Since you are his family I assume he will return, so while I continue my search I hope you don\'t mind if Yongbu stays here.

"When Quinn returns, Yongbu will report back to me and I will have my meeting with him then."

Layla wanted to disagree, argue back, because if it turned out like this she would be unable to warn Quinn as he arrived, and judging by how quick this Mundus person had turned up, they would eventually meet and clash.

However, taking the words of the sword, she thought it was the best they could get out of the current situation.

Mundus looked to the sky, and it seemed he was ready to take off, but he stopped for a second, and quickly turned his head looking at the group. Layla was focused on Mundus\' eyes because he wasn\'t just staring at the group, but a certain individual in particular.

"I thought you all had the same celestial energy given to you by Quinn. There is an energy that feels familiar, but it\'s not quite the same… were you trying to hide from me?" Mundus asked and started to walk forward once again.

His eyes were still locked onto a single individual and all of the cells in Layla\'s body and all of her instincts were kicking in.

"Stay away from him!" Layla shouted at the top of her lungs. "Stay away from my child!"

Mundus\' eyes were locked on to Galen, who was sitting on top of Wince\'s arm. Knowing what was about to happen, Wince turned around and started to run. Meanwhile, the rash young Minny had fully transformed.

"Dad told me that I have to protect the family. I will protect Galen!" Minny shouted, as she jumped from her spot and ran across the ice, jumping forward right at Mundus\' face.

"Minny no!!!" Layla screamed, the scene in front of her, everything felt like it was in slow motion. She could see everything clearly, yet was unable to do anything about it.

It seemed at that point, that everything had stopped. Was it her mind playing tricks on her, was this what happened when one was over worried, when they wished to do everything they could to save their loved one.

No, that wasn\'t the case at all, because Mundus was still moving, he was the only thing moving while Minny was stuck mid air. He walked past her, and continued to walk forward.

"The… power of time." Layla mumbled.

"Oh?" Mundus replied. "You can still move, but how is that possible? I used my effect on everyone. Do you have an ability perhaps… no that\'s not it, I can feel where my powers are being affected. It\'s that sword in your hand.

"That sword is interesting, not that it matters much anyway. The child can not run away like this, and what about you, do you plan to stop me?" Mundus asked.

Layla\'s veins were already starting to bulge as a surge of energy was going through, it was building up from the sword, and going directly up to her eyes. Soon blood was starting to pour down from them, rolling from her cheeks.

\'I can give you power, but I\'m not sure I can give you enough power to defeat this person. Even if his ability doesn\'t work, he is still strong!\' The sword warned.

The sword\'s power was similar to how it was before, but wasn\'t quite the same since Quinn had changed it. It didn\'t mess with Layla\'s mind nor gave her more negative emotions to deal with.

However, the power was still too strong for her body to hold, and she could feel that if she kept up this form for long it would tear her body apart, but as the sword said, it was the only way for her to fight without being affected by the ability.

Layla ran forward knowing the negative side effects, but would ignore them at all costs, she had shortened the distance at a fast rate, and swung the attack right through the air.

"Although you are not affected by time, everything else is, including myself." Mundus was suddenly behind her. She could barely see it, he was moving but it was a blur. A speed that was similar, or perhaps surpassed when Quinn used his nitro accelerate.

With a simple touch of a hand towards her back, Layla felt a strong force push her back. She tumbled across the ground multiple times, before stabbing her sword in the ground, in order to stop.

"He just touched me… how did he hit me so hard." Layla thought and blood started to spill from her mouth. She felt so powerful in this form, yet in front of this being, it meant almost nothing.

\'Is there nothing I can do… is there really nothing I can do, to stop him from taking Galen away.\'

Mundus continued to walk, as if the whole world, the whole universe revolved around him, and reached out his hand, straight toward little Galen.


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